Chiropractors and their services have been gaining traction throughout the years alongside the rise of alternative therapeutic options. More and more people are swearing by the benefits of going to a chiropractor for back and neck pains, headaches, and other related discomforts.

Currently, there are more or less 67.736 chiropractic businesses in the United States, which is a 2.7% increase compared to 2020. The industry has also been seeing a 0.4% growth per year from 2016 to 2021.

r Chiropractic Site Ranking with Longtail Keywords.These numbers may not seem to be too competitive, especially as the market is yet to be saturated with chiropractors. The real battle is in the marketing campaigns of these practices. Say, there are a few chiros in your area, including you. You might think that you will get your fair share of the market just because you are included in the option.

The truth is, customers will flock to one that better markets its services. So, you want to make sure to implement an effective and successful marketing strategy in order to have a chance at reeling in customers. If you want to focus on online marketing, longtail keywords can help by improving your website’s Google rankings. Here’s how.

Search Engine Optimization and Rankings

For the uninitiated, Google rankings may not mean much, especially if they fail to see how it connects with marketing. However, it is one of the most important aspects of digital marketing, particularly because it plays a huge role in bringing the chiropractic practice to the attention of potential customers using Google to look for the right service provider.

Let us start with how Google finds your website. So, when you launch your chiropractic website, you expect customers to be able to find your site and pages using Google Search. The thing is it is not that simple.

You need to understand that Google uses software called crawlers to look for public websites. When you launch your website, it will not automatically appear in searches. You need to wait for Google’s crawlers to find your site and include it in the index. Once indexed, it can be included in search engine results.

Keep in mind that the goal is to appear at the top of the result page, or at least on the first page. Customers tend to only browse the first page because of the idea that this is where all the relevant results appear. This may not be the absolute truth, but it partially holds some truth because rankings depend on relevancy. You also need to remember that it is also a game of knowing how to play along with Google’s standards.

So, do not be surprised if your site appears on the second or even the tenth page when you try to search for chiropractic services. New websites tend to have low rankings, which can be worse without proper search engine optimization (SEO).

SEO, or the process of employing various strategies to increase your rank on the search engine, is the way to go if you want to appear on the first page. It entails improving the effectiveness of your content to attract more traffic.

When customers use Google to look for what they need, the search engine uses algorithms to find relevant websites and pages. It also tends to prioritize results that are high quality, popular, trusted, usable, and considered an authority on the subject matter.

SEO can help address all of these, especially when combined with other digital marketing techniques such as backlinks, reputation management, and the like.

Keywords play a role in achieving these as Googlebots tend to match specific phrases with the phrases used by customers when making a query. It is wise to use popular keywords as users tend to use them more. Phrases like “chiropractic services” or “chiropractors nearby” can give you the results you need.

However, you want to go for more unique keywords that have the potential to point customers to who use them in your direction. What you should consider using are longtail keywords.

What is a Longtail Keyword?

These types of keywords are phrases made up of three or more words. They tend to be extremely specific to a user’s needs because they are likely to have specialized words like location and specific services.

Not many people use longtail keywords, unlike regular ones which apply to more potential customers. However, this can pose more advantages to businesses like yours longtail keywords are often used by individuals who know what they want and how to find it.

Instead of using regular keywords like “chiropractic services” that tend to provide more general results, they use longtail ones like “best chiropractic services in DC” to get results that matter more to them. Basically, longtail keywords offer an opportunity for you to target more specific audiences.

Tips for Finding Longtail Keywords

It may seem more difficult to find longtail keywords to use for your content just because they tend to be more specific. The key to finding longtail keywords, or any type of keywords for that matter, is research. You need to use all available resources to find the best options for your site and pages. Check out these KW research tips.

  • Check Google’s Related Searches

You are working to satisfy Google’s SEO standards, so the first thing you should use is the platform itself. What you should do is type in a regular keyword, say “chiropractic services.” This will give you results with this KW.

Then, scroll down to the suggestions or related searches to see what other KWs people are using that are related to your current KW. You are bound to find suggestions like “list of chiropractic services,” “chiropractic services near me,” and “chiropractic treatment price.”

  • Use Google Trends

Google Trends is another helpful tool for shaping your SEO strategy. It shows how many times a search term is used, where it is most used, and related searches. This can help you pick other keywords for your campaign.

What you need to do is to enter the search term and select the correct country. Say, you use “chiropractor.” The tool will return with a graph of interest over time, interest by subregion, related topics, and related queries.

It will show you that the interest for this KW is pretty consistent throughout the year and more interest is found in North Dakota. Related queries also include “what to wear to the chiropractor,” “can a chiropractor fix your posture,” and “can a chiropractor help with vertigo.” You can use all of these details to improve your strategy.

  • Consider Using Other Keyword Research Tools

The best part is, there are a lot of other keyword research tools to help you generate more ideas for your SEO campaign. WordStream, SEO Quake, and Keywords Everywhere are just some of the best options when it comes to KW research.

Keep in mind that many of these services may be free for a trial period or a few uses, but require premium memberships or subscriptions to fully access all of its functions.

Chiropractic Site Ranking with Longtail KeywordsFinal Words

Knowing how to use and find longtail keywords can have an impact on your digital marketing strategy. Your chiropractic practice can stay on top of the game by implementing a solid SEO campaign combined with other techniques.